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Lifestyle | Sports | Community

6 Tips for Staying Warm this Winter

Alison Pegg


Images via 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 

The temps have finally lowered to the 30s, snow is kind of on the ground – it’s finally winter!

Call me crazy – but winter is my favorite season of the year. Pink cheeks, cozy fires, amazing aromas and more, the cold really does bring everyone together.

Just how do I stay toasty during these upcoming winter months? Here are six of my tips for staying cozy during the winter months:

  1. A great pair of sweatpants & slippers: I am VERY biased here, but there’s a reason Roots sweats are classics, they’re easily the warmest, coziest loungewear out there. Add in a great pair of shearling slippers and you’re set for a day cozying up inside.
  2. A warm blanket or throw. I love a faux fur throw for keeping me toasty, they're keep in the warmth because they don't have the holes an afghan does, and they provide a great look and texture to your lounging space. Warm and stylish - a perfect combo.
  3. A mug of something warm. Whether its cider, tea, or something with an extra kick, a warm beverage in a mug is perfect for staying warm. The key is the mug, not only does it heat your beverage, its perfect for curling around your hands and cozying up on the couch.
  4. A winter scent. Candles are fantastic ambience creators and I love burning them most months of the year. During the winter months I avoid anything super floral when trying to stay warm, instead sticking to balsam, firewood, leather, and more masculine scents to add an extra snuggle to the house.
  5. TV and movies you love: winter is great time to re-watch favorite old classic movies and tv shows, or dive into something thrilling that will keep you glued to you seat. As long as you’re distracted with your favorite entertainment, you’ll stay nice and cozy all day long.
  6. Something simmering on the stove: outside of a large sauté pan, the pot that gets the most use on my stove in the winter is my dutch oven. Just it’s presence on my stovetop means that something warm and delicious is simmering away, often for hours at a time. From kale sausage stew, to chili, to my favorite soup, a warm bowl of delicious is perfect for beating the winter chill.