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Lifestyle | Sports | Community

The A List: 5.27.16

Alison Pegg

Happy Memorial Day weekend and official kick-off to summer! I'm planning on lots of relaxing and lots of cocktials by the grill this weekend. 

In the meantime, here's a list of what I'm loving this week.

Bill Simmons Podcast with Charity Water

Bill Simmons returned to his podcast this week and instead of chatting sports with his buddies and other athletes, he instead dedicated his hour to an interview with Charity Water’s Scott Harrison. Charity Water has always been a dream charity of mine, they’re technologically advanced, operate like a startup and are so incredibly transparent. But what was the most fascinating during their chat was Scott’s story, his club origins and how he conceived the charity after some volunteer work. He’s proof that you can change your life’s purpose if you really want to, no matter how old you are.  


Captain America: Civil War

It’s rare that I pay to see a movie in theatres anymore but when I do, I usually go a few weeks after opening weekend so the crazy uncomfortable crowds die down. I’m so glad I waited to few weeks to see Civil War on the big screen, it’s truly an awesome spectacle to see. I’m with the critics, it’s one of the best in the entire marvel series because it’s the most emotional film they’ve released. Pitting family against family is never easy, but Cap’s family, especially his bestie Bucky, truly make for a captivating 2.5 hours. Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and RDJ are spectacular in the film, as are the hilarious cameos from the other Avengers, and it you haven’t yet seen it, I encourage you to see it on the big screen before it’s too late.



Now that I'm back to a pretty regular work week routine, I’m trying to find ways to not only stay  focused but also to not be ravenous during meetings and at my desk all day long. My current solution? Avocados. I’m like a pregnant woman with my cravings (without being pregnant) and have been putting them in everything from greens to quinoa, to even on bread for a breakfast of avocado toast. Leaving the pit in the half that I bring to work keeps them green until lunchtime, and keeps me full almost all afternoon. (image via)


Giada’s Italian Tweets

If Giada’s first season of Giada in Italy was pure Positano travel wanderlust, her second season looks to do the same with Florence. Her tweets are everything right now - they’re practically a live stream of her everyday Italian life (sorry, had to). From ordering coffee, to eating breakfast, to shopping for shoes, it’s addicting to follow her living like an Italian local. I can’t wait for season two!


The Toronto Raptors

This past week I’ve been glued to my television and social media for one thing: basketball. From the Cavs fandom in Columbus to the craziness that is the Western Conference finals, I can’t get enough of the NBA playoffs. And we haven’t even talked about my number one reason for watching: the Toronto Raptors. The Raptors have truly turned Toronto into a basketball city, from their team on the floor, to their graffiti-filled marketing, to their crazy t-shirts, to even their celebrity fans (I’m looking at you Drake and PK), but it’s the fans in the Air Canada Centre and outside in Jurassic Park that truly take the cake. And while The North won’t bring a championship to The 6ix this year, it’s been one seriously fun and amazing ride.