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The word on 2017: create

Alison Pegg


  • bring (something) into existence.
  • cause (something) to happen as a result of one's actions.
    • synonyms:    bring about, give rise to, lead to, result in, cause, breed, generate, engender, produce, make for, promote, foster, sow the seeds of, contribute to
  • (of an actor) originate (a role) by playing a character for the first time.

Now that it’s February, it seems a bit late to be thinking about resolutions, or focus or even my outlook for the year. But to be honest, like everyone else, I’ve kind of been paralyzed and fascinated/horrified by what’s going on in the world.

Still, I knew I wanted to put some thought around goals for 2017 and every single time I’ve thought about it, I keep coming back to one single word. 


It’s a word I wear around my neck, a word that’s emblazed on one of my notebooks, and when I think about it, it’s a word that’s come to define my soul. 

When I think about the word create, it means more to me than creating content within this digital ecosystem of ours, it’s more than creating new things, or outfits, or food or whatever to put together, create to me means bringing out something (anything!) with a fresh perspective or for the very first time. Even the very definition of create talks about this, and what I love even more about the Merriam-Webster’s explanation is that creating is the result of one’s actions. 

  • Create opportunities to try new things. Sure this is super open-ended, but I’m thinking that instead of saying no or using work as an excuse, it’s time to start saying yes. 
  • Create new ways to fail. Yes, fail. I know I'm not going to be great at everything I try, but if I’ve learned anything about failure it’s that there’s always something new to learn from it.
  • Create new ways to give back to my community and the world around me. Volunteering, mentoring, advocacy - I'm privileged to be where I am today and I'd like to give back.
  • Create consistent conversations with those close to me. No more excuses for not seeing friends and old co-workers, it’s time to be proactive and schedule some “them” time to catch up.
  • Create time to take care of myself. Back to that whole workaholic thing, I want to create new ways to stay mentally and physically healthy.
  • Create new ways to stay informed. Like everyone, I’m guilty of staying in my own bubble when it comes to digesting news and social media. I’m now a proud subscriber of the New York Times and look forward to diversifying the publications and outlets I read to gain perspective this year. 
  • Creating new ways to grow in my career. I love to work and I’m loving the new challenges that my current job entails.  This year I’d love to find more ways to grow my career, be it with new projects, new training, or even a new mentor or two. 
  • Creating my own content to share and distribute to the world. Let’s be honest, I wouldn’t be writing this post if I wasn’t trying to hold myself accountable to this one!

So watch out 2017 - I've finally created my resolution for what I want to accomplish this year. Cheers to all the new fun to come!