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January Favourites


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January Favourites

Alison Pegg


This month started with so much to look forward to, and then, well, we all know what happened. But we made it through, and while the rest of 2021 might be as rocky as this month was, the light at the end of this pandemic is hopefully on the horizon.

In the meantime, here are some things that I loved for the first month of 2021.

Saje Fortified Breeze Diffuser Blend

The hum of the diffuser. The smell of eucalyptus. My nighttime routine isn’t complete without diffusing this oil during sleep. The tea tree plus eucalyptus helps keep the winter crud away, and the diffuser adds an extra layer of hydration to help combat dry, winter skin. I can’t go to bed without it.

Stand Studio Lolita Bag


Ssense’s winter sale always has some great finds, and it’s hard to beat a fun winter bag like this one. It’s the perfect tote size to carry around, it’s large enough to fit my iPad, masks, and wallet, (I can sneak in my MacBook if needed), but not too large that it’s like lugging a briefcase every day. I also love that it’s made of vegan leather (though you can’t tell), perfect for wiping down with a disinfecting wipe after being out.

True Beauty KDrama

Comfort tv continues to be my favourite kind of tv this year, and this high-school love trilogy is just perfect. Led by two of the hottest young actors in k dramas, Cha Eun Woo and Moon Ga Young, it’s gorgeous, adorable, and the definition of binge-worthy. Now about that twist at the end of Episode 14…..

The Spice House Everything Bagel Blend

From egg toast, to avocado toast, and everything in-between, this spice mix gives that little bit oomph to the most basic of ingredients. Why this version instead of the beloved Trader Joes one? This one has a better garlic to seed ratio, with bigger garlic pieces, and it’s easier to control with its easier to use Ziplock pouch. And it’s shippable! No need to go into a store to get your favourite spice.

Whole Foods Shaved Brussels Sprouts

I’ve been stretching my grocery runs during the pandemic and am always looking for fresh foods who’s shelf life lasts more than a few days. Salad mixes’ shelf lives are so hit and miss, but the one bagged vegetable that I’ve found lasts a few weeks is Whole Foods' pre-shredded Brussel sprouts. They make the easiest, healthiest lunch – here’s my recipe:

Brussels Sprout & Apple hash

  • Handful shredded Brussels sprouts

  • One chopped apple

  • Handful raisins

  • Olive Oil

  • Garlic Powder

  • Red wine vinegar

Saute the Brussel sprouts and apple in the olive oil, until the apple and Brussels sprouts soften. While sauteing add salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. Once the apple starts to soften, add in a handful of raisins and stir, then hit the entire thing with a tablespoon of red wine vinegar to finish.

Add leftover mushrooms if you have, or even roasted sweet potatoes – this brussels sprout hash is the perfect fast, filling and healthy lunch.