Weekly R.E.P.O.R.T: June 21 - 30, 2024
Alison Pegg
This month I lost my momentum writing in this little corner of the internet.
This isn’t an apology or remorse, by any means. I’ve really been enjoying unplugging from the internet this last month.
It started with vacation, and then after being cooped up during the week of blazing temperatures, all I’ve wanted to do these past two weeks is be outside.
I’m looking forward to continuing a summer unplugged. That’s not to say I don’t have a million and a half ideas for this space. But time away from screens, riding bikes with the wind in my hair, enjoying fireworks as they burst above - all of those sound way better right now than a life online.
Here’s this week’s Weekly R.E.P.O.R.T.
I won’t apologize for not having another recommendation in this space. Truth is I’ve been avoiding the news and online publications like crazy because of politics, and I just haven’t been in the mood to tackle a new book. And that’s okay. I’m sure there’s a giant reading binge around the corner.
Apple Brie Bacon Burger (Street Thyme)
Outside of a backyard barbecue, there might not be a better burger than that of a local food truck. Especially one that uses ingredients as good as Street Thyme. I lucked into their Apple Bacon Brie burger while at Seventh Son, and it couldn’t have been food-gasm inducing. A fresh potato bun, smashed burger patties, generous amounts of bacon, it was mouth watering and to die for. Don’t be cheap, order the fries too. You won’t regret it.
When I’m actively ignoring the news, in the past it has always been easy to turn to kdramas to escape. But if I’m being honest, it’s slim pickins’ in kdrama land right now, especially after two of my all-time favourites aired this spring. In their place, I found another chinese drama that has me hooked - I’m almost halfway through You Are My Glory on Viki. The plot is right up my alley - famous actress reunites with her high school classmate, an aerospace engineer, and the two try and make their two very different worlds work. Fingers crossed this one finishes well!
I’ve been combing through the July 4th furniture sales of late, waiting to see if any of my house “want to buys” go on sale. (Dear Room and Board, please have a sale). This componibili storage unit from Kartell has been on my list for awhile, I’m picturing it near the door as a catchall for all those “grab before I leave the house” accessories. It is also the lowest price I’ve seen in awhile, I just might have to grab one while the timing is right.

image courtesy of Kartell
This time of summer, when the temperatures stay consistently above 80, is the only time of year where I’ll reach for a fruity fragrance. There’s something about the humidity and the heat that scream citrus, and makes me want to put all my other perfumes on the back of my shelf. I’ve been loving Tangerine Boy by Phlur this summer, the citrus isn’t too sweet which makes it a great unisex scent. and the amber and jasmine notes keep the fragrance from being a little too twee. My only wish is that it had a little more staying power, but an extra spritz or two in the afternoon is a perfect little pick me up.
image courtesy of Finish Line