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Filtering by Tag: bucket list

My Fall Bucket List

Alison Pegg

Fall in Clear Creek

Now that Labour Day weekend has come to close and September is here, I feel like I can finally get excited about fall. Cooler temps, warm tone colors and the best time of year for sports, fall is definitely one of my favourite times of year.

Before the season passes us by, here are a few things I'm hoping to cross off my Fall Bucket List before the days get shorter and the holidays arrive.

1. See Picasso at the Columbus Museum of Art. I'm thankful I looked up this exhibit this past weekend before it departs Columbus, September 11 is the last weekend for the museum's lauded exhibit. My tickets are secured for Sunday - I can't wait!

2. Grab a maple latte from Cafe Brioso. A cozy treat for a brisk fall day, Cafe Brioso's maple latte is the perfect cup of joe for the fall season. While I wait for the temps cool off I'll keep savouring my favorite Vietnamese iced coffee from Red Velvet Cafe, but rest assured that later this month I'll be making the switch to Brioso's comfort in a cup. 

3. Fall colours at Clear Creek Metro Park. With the exception of a blanket of snow, I don't think there's any more beautiful time than when nature turns the trees in jewels. This year I want to immerse myself in the colours, making the trek to see them up close in all their glory. 

4. Explore new flavours with fall cocktails. Over the long weekend I picked up a bottle of Sage, a speciality liquor from Art in the Age. I've been following them on Instagram for awhile and am eager to explore a sophisticated side of fall cocktails, trading in the sweetness of pumpkin and cider, for the savory and woody notes of this fall herb.

5. Cheer on Team Canada Hockey Live! Very rarely do I get a chance to cheer on my homeland in person here in Columbus, but for one night this fall I can wear my Team Canada gear in all it's glory. Sure it's an exhibition game, but if you know anything about us Canadians, we take our hockey VERY seriously. 

6. Get lost in a new TV show. It's been awhile since I've had the luxury of dedicating an hour of my day to a new show, but this fall tv season I'm hoping to do just that. While I haven't yet decided on what show to try (this show and this show are on my radar), I'm looking forward to a cozy hour on the couch once a week to veg out and get lost in someone else's world.