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The A List: 8.28.15

Alison Pegg

8.28-A-List A vacation and a week of catch-up and I'm back and ready to enjoy the last couple weeks of summer. Here's a round-up of what I've been loving this week.

  1. Matte Lipstick: I forgot how much a full matte lip can finish a look. All summer I've been playing with neutrals and bronzers to complete my look and this week I decided to try a matte lipstick with my (fake) summer glow. I'm loving how it brightens my face and takes a casual summer look to next level.
  2. Incanto Rose Frizzante: initially I was a skeptical rose convert, it's hard to trust a drink that looks like a white zinfandel (shudder). But I should know that Trader Joes would never steer me wrong. This Incanto rose is not sweet at all and has just the right amount of bubbly to finish it off. It's the perfect sip to savor these last few weeks of summer heat.
  3. Ban. Do Florabunda Agenda: confession, I have tried every productivity app there is, some with modest success (evernote) but most without. There's something about putting pen to paper that cements thoughts and to-dos for me. And this agenda couldn't be more fun, it has places for lists and reminders for daily needs, and irreverent holidays (National Thrift Shop Day) to keeps things fun. I'm in love.
  4. The library: the Columbus Metropolitan Library is truly a gem in the Columbus community. In the past month I've visited my local branch to pick up the latest novel (review of Everybody Rise to come), watched a DVD, and rented e-books for kindle app to take on vacation. AND, the library texts me when materials are in/due. Honestly? I don't know what I'd do without the library in my life.
  5. Arrow: oh Netflix, you've struck again. The best thing about summer tv basically sucking is that Netflix is always waiting to serve up your next binge. And that binge happens to be Arrow. I'm loving how Arrow's characters are all badass, the girls seriously kick some butt, and the story moves fast enough for my short attention span. (It doesn't hurt that Stephen Amell provides some aesthetically pleasing scenes too). I'm officially hooked.