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Lifestyle | Sports | Community

The A List: 07.24.15

Alison Pegg

07.24.15-A-List1. Giada In Italy: I can't stop lusting over Positano after watching this show. Add on the fresh food and Giada's charisma and this 13-episode show just because my must-see-tv show for the rest of the summer. 2. Tonight Show Family Feud: I can't believe I only discovered this Tonight Show sketch this past week - but it's so funny I can't stop watching it. Steve Harvey is hilariously fantastic, but it's The Roots that take this sketch to the next level.

3. TOKYOMILK Dark No. 32: I discovered this scent on a late weekday afternoon in Sephora - that time when the store isn't insanely crushed with fellow shoppers. With a mixture of herbs, grass and jasmine this scent is fresh and edgy at the same time - a perfect scent for the summer months. Love the bottle too!

4. Paddywax Lavender & Thyme candle: this candle is currently sitting on my nightstand for when I need an extra dose of relaxation after a long day. It burns clean with a scent that isn't too sweet or strong like other candles. Another great find from one of my favorite local boutiques, Vernacular.

5. Summer! The weather we've had this summer up until now can be perfect summed up as a monsoon. Finally this week the rain stopped, the humidity faded and the sun and summer breeze came out! It's amazing how much vitamin D can cure what ails you - here's to a few more weeks of this before fall.