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More Ohio t-shirt love

Alison Pegg

Sometimes I think Columbus is turning into the t-shirt capital of the world – everywhere you turn there’s a new shop popping up with a cheeky or retro design. But t-shirts are one of Columbus’ best entrepreneur success stories (see: Homage) and it’s a testament that others want to join in on the fun.  And really, if the designs are good, does it even matter how many shops there are? Enter: Mysterioso Rock Art

I stumbled across this (new to me) company after perusing Instagram during last night’s Bastille concert and immediately fell in love with their The Union "O" flag tee. And the rest of the designs are equally as great – the shirts are finally a cool way for me to wear the pride of my adopted city and state.

Here's a roundup of some of my other faves from their line.

Mysterioso Rock Art tees

You can shop their shirts online, or find them in one of these local Columbus stores.