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The A List: 1.8.16

Alison Pegg

alist---1.8.16 Coming back from vacation this first week of January was a little bit like working drunk. So much time catching up, and not much time for me. But I still found time for some products and things I love, here's a look at them from this week.

Oscar Isaac signing Bill Murray’s Star Wars: Over the New Year, I finally saw Star Wars, and it’s definitely one of those movies you have to see in the theatre (and say you saw in the theatre). After the legendary Harrison Ford and the adorable BB-8, my favorite non-droid character was that of the pilot, Poe Dameron. It turns out Isaac was on this past December’s cover of GQ, and the online version offered up this little video of him covering Bill Murray’s SNL Star Wars song. It’s adorable, it’s quirky, and most of all it’s brilliant.

Mashable’s Snapchat Story end: it makes me happy every time I see the close of Mashable’s snapchat story, there’s always a different edit for their three little guys working on the M. But the current ending they have right now – a Zamboni, a hockey mask, a scoreboard saying “Keep Sk8ing!” is by far my fave. I mean, how can you not love it?

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask: during the fall, my signature makeup look was a bold lip coupled with a little bronzer and blush. It’s a bit of a statement, but it’s fun, it’s easy, and allows me to express myself still after my giant wardrobe edit. But since winter has officially set it, lipsticks are hard to sport when dry, chapped lips start to set in. That’s why I love this lip mask from Laneige. It literally forms a mask on top of your lips, and comes with the cutest little scoop to apply the product. Add in a fresh berry smell, and you’ve got an awesome chapped lip fights from one of my favorite K-beauty brands.

Sephora Eye Masks: working at an ice rink, you’d never guess that the air would be super dry. But after a long day plus a game night, my eyes are dry, red, and exhausted by the time I get home. Fifteen minutes after applying one of Sephora’s eye masks, and my eyes are refreshed, moisturized, and de-puffed, and the cooling gel is the perfect relaxer after a long, long day.

Award Season: The Golden Globes are this Saturday, and I can’t wait. They’re my favorite award show by far because the celebs and categories are so fun. They’re loose, they’re a little tipsy, it’s everything you want in a fabulous Hollywood party. Let’s hope Ricky Gervais can deliver again with his hosting duties, Tina & Amy are going to be hard to top!