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Filtering by Tag: Snapchat

The A List: 5.13.16

Alison Pegg

It’s been super dreary around here this week; with the constant rain we’ve been having. I’m not going to lie though, a mini-road trip and cooler temps has me looking forward to the weekend!

In the meantime, here’s a roundup of things I’ve been loving this week.


Richard Jefferson’s Snapchat

You’ve probably heard of the adventures of Little Kev by now, and “Rich” loves to document his whereabouts daily on his snapchat. But this week’s snaps have been better than most, thanks to a week of rest for the Cavs, and we’ve seen even more glimpses of basketball’s biggest stars behind-the-scenes. Think Starbucks runs, team dinners, and other random outings around town. Thanks Rich for pulling back the curtain on an NBA playoff run, you make the Cavs easy to cheer for (almost!) with the snapchat shenanigans. (Follow him at RJeff24)


So Delicious Coconut Milk Mint Chip Ice Cream

While I haven’t yet given up the traditional diary ice cream (#teamJenis), for a weeknight treat I’ve been looking for a great dairy-free option. What I’ve learned is good dairy-free ice cream is hard to come by – especially when your favorite is over 400 miles away (see you in July Bang Bang!). But So Delicious’ combo of coconut milk with mint chip hits the spot for a must see tv snack. I’m a self-professed lover of coconut and love what the flavor adds to the ice cream, but the coconut isn’t so strong that it overpowers the mint and chocolate. And since it’s dairy-free, it has to be guilt-free, right?


Giving Keys Raw Copper Collection

I don’t have enough hands to count how many times people have asked me if I’m wearing my house key around my neck when I wear my Giving Key necklace, but I absolutely adore the mission and message it sends. My word is CREATE, and it reminds me on a daily basis to keep up my creative spirit and share it with those around me. And now that the Giving Keys has launched their raw copper line, it might be time to add another inspiration to my collection.


R.M. Drake

Remember in Sex and the City when Carrie checks out the library book of love letters from great men? I kind of feel like RM Drake’s words are like that. Another poetic instagram find of mine, his daily words are inspiration, they’re poetic and most of all they’re beautiful. The wanderlust in me wishes to one day be on the receiving end of words like that, they’re straight out of a fairy tale.


Walking in the rain

Like I mentioned earlier, much of this week it has rained, dampening any real plans to do anything outdoors (I’ve got puns for days). But as long as I planned ahead for meetings, there’s a certain poetry in a spring rain. Walks in my neighborhood have been a chance to clear my head, and the sidewalks aren’t nearly as busy as they normally are. Plus the air always smells a bit cleaner after a fresh rain and ground has reaped its benefits in lush green. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows after all and as long as I have my umbrella, that’s okay. (Image via)

The A List: 4.29.16

Alison Pegg



After a week full time back to blogging, I'm loving the sense of accomplishment I feel after writing each day. I'm also loving all of this stuff on this week's A list.  Here's a look at my weekly picks:

Quick Snap Vol 1 - Victoria McGinley She self admittedly doesn’t blog much anymore, but i still love visiting Victoria’s site every week. Between sharing really thought provoking links, or her beautiful product layouts, she behind my recent inspiration to try and resurrect this little corner of mine on the internet again. Her latest series she introduced is genius, Quick Snap. It’s a play on the popularity and authenticity of snapchat, with the greatness of a true behind the scenes story. It truly does peel back any superficiality the social network may have, and tells a great personal story to go along with it.

Fresh Black Tea Firming Mask My skin has been under serious torture this week, from dehydration, to lack to sleep, to a super bad diet. Seriously, I’m ashamed of myself. My skin's one saving grace has been a week long sample of Fresh’s Black Tea Firming Mask that was bundled with my last Sephora order. I’ve been applying a daily dose of it nightly to my overworked skin and each morning waking up refreshed, like no abuse happened at all the day before. If this stuff is doing this when my I can’t get my act together, I can only imagine the results for my after a "normal week”. Hey Sephora, I see another purchase in the near future.

The Girlfriend Experience I first heard about this Starz drama from The Globe and Mail and was curious as to where specifically the series films in my hometown of Toronto. It’s full of amazing shots of T.O’s financial district, but unlike the super sleekness of Suits, it’s a darker, sexier version. And the actual series lives up the visuals, helmed by Steven Soderbergh, it’s seductive, mysterious and creepily gripping, with a great “blank” performance by the lead, Riley Keough. Each episode packs more drama than the next, I can’t wait to see where it builds for the finale.

& Other Stories Candles I was lucky enough to be in NYC for work back at the end of February and had a few hours to kill before having to “clock in”. I ventured up to Soho for a quick stop IRL to some of my favorite stores, including & Other Stories. Stories is already one of my faves for cool, quirky affordable jewelry and shoes, but I was delightfully surprised to see the middle of the store was dedicated to beauty and candles. I sniffed every candle they had on display multiple times (to weird stares from others) and each of the scents are so gorgeous I can’t wait to pick up more. They instantly transform a room to smell like a Paris salon and will have you daydreaming of the City of Lights. (And if you’re in NYC, pick up some of their nail polish. The colors are awesome - I’m still kicking myself for not doing so).

Korea! Lately, a lot of the entertainment options in my life seem to be revolving around one culture, the culture of Korea. From my obsession with Korean beauty (toner, essence and sheet masks are my new skin savers) to watching (and re-watching) Aimee Song’s recent trip to the Peninsula on snapchat, I’m can’t get enough of Korean’s way of life. Perhaps my favorite piece of k-culture is the korean drama, I just finished Oh My Venus and it was adorable. Seriously, I could watch So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah flirt back and forth for days, they’re chemistry onscreen was fantastic. Note to self: keep expanding my Korean palate next to food, and get planning on my bucket list trip to Seoul. I’m sure it will be life changing.

The A List: 01.15.16

Alison Pegg

1.15-A-List More and more I seem to be discovering my newest faves via SnapChat - which is no surprise because it's jumped facebook to my second favorite social app. (Insta, you're still number 1 in my <3).

But with no todo, here's a collection of things that caught my eye this week.

Carpool Karaoke with Adele: The Late Late show has been hyping this all week, and it doesn’t disappoint. Adele couldn’t be more adorable, and man, does she have a pair of pipes! I especially loved the Spice Girl part since we’re both former Geri’s, and loved how real and approachable she is in this video. Another fabulous Carpool Karaoke James Corden!

Alterna Rapid Repair Spray: I was watching an snapchat story with the Olsen’s stylist Mark Townsend during the holidays, and his number one recommendation for holiday hair was to finish it with shine spray. During a Sephora outing I happened to spot this one on the shelf and decided it couldn’t hurt to try it. OMG, it turned out even better than I thought. This spray manages to keep the frizz away and keep my scalp moisturized during the winter months, and it gives that perfect glossy finish that induces hair envy. If your hair is thick like mine, I definitely recommend giving this one a try.

E! News Glam Snaps: during the Golden Globes this past Sunday, E!News introduced their Glam Snaps, snapchat stories that recreated looks on the red carpet at home. It. Was. GENIUS. With a professional makeup artist and hair stylist on hand, they took a snap from the red carpet and followed it up immediately with the celebrity’s makeup look or hair style created step by step so watchers could easily follow it at home. What an amazing way to capture and recreate real time red carpet style.

Benjamin Clementine: snapchat discoveries seem to be a theme this week, and this one is no different. Burberry has always been a social media pioneer in the fashion industry and this week their channel was completely dedicated to their men’s fashion show. From backstage snaps, to reverse vids of sewing and fittings, their snapchat was everywhere including on stage with Benjamin Clementine. With just his voice and a piano, his songs move with reckless emotion, rushing and building to their next peak. And how cool is it that his album starts with him singing a Winston Churchill speech?

Floss Gloss: when Refinery 29 declared this polish “The Only Polish You’ll Need this Winter” they weren’t lying. I’m in love with this glittery pink polish, aptly titled The Pink Nugget. It’s a build-able pink glitter, with one coat it’s a nude shimmer, but as you add coat after coat it creates the most beautiful pale pink shimmer, a touch of sophistication with your glitter.


The A List: 1.8.16

Alison Pegg

alist---1.8.16 Coming back from vacation this first week of January was a little bit like working drunk. So much time catching up, and not much time for me. But I still found time for some products and things I love, here's a look at them from this week.

Oscar Isaac signing Bill Murray’s Star Wars: Over the New Year, I finally saw Star Wars, and it’s definitely one of those movies you have to see in the theatre (and say you saw in the theatre). After the legendary Harrison Ford and the adorable BB-8, my favorite non-droid character was that of the pilot, Poe Dameron. It turns out Isaac was on this past December’s cover of GQ, and the online version offered up this little video of him covering Bill Murray’s SNL Star Wars song. It’s adorable, it’s quirky, and most of all it’s brilliant.

Mashable’s Snapchat Story end: it makes me happy every time I see the close of Mashable’s snapchat story, there’s always a different edit for their three little guys working on the M. But the current ending they have right now – a Zamboni, a hockey mask, a scoreboard saying “Keep Sk8ing!” is by far my fave. I mean, how can you not love it?

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask: during the fall, my signature makeup look was a bold lip coupled with a little bronzer and blush. It’s a bit of a statement, but it’s fun, it’s easy, and allows me to express myself still after my giant wardrobe edit. But since winter has officially set it, lipsticks are hard to sport when dry, chapped lips start to set in. That’s why I love this lip mask from Laneige. It literally forms a mask on top of your lips, and comes with the cutest little scoop to apply the product. Add in a fresh berry smell, and you’ve got an awesome chapped lip fights from one of my favorite K-beauty brands.

Sephora Eye Masks: working at an ice rink, you’d never guess that the air would be super dry. But after a long day plus a game night, my eyes are dry, red, and exhausted by the time I get home. Fifteen minutes after applying one of Sephora’s eye masks, and my eyes are refreshed, moisturized, and de-puffed, and the cooling gel is the perfect relaxer after a long, long day.

Award Season: The Golden Globes are this Saturday, and I can’t wait. They’re my favorite award show by far because the celebs and categories are so fun. They’re loose, they’re a little tipsy, it’s everything you want in a fabulous Hollywood party. Let’s hope Ricky Gervais can deliver again with his hosting duties, Tina & Amy are going to be hard to top!

The A-List: 7.31.15

Alison Pegg

My faves from the last week of July 1. Snapchat: I realize I'm way behind the wheel on snapchat, but by beloved instagram is hard to cheat on (the pictures are just so pretty!) But for the past couple weeks I've been fiddling around with snapchat and there's just something so refreshing about seeing friends and followers lives off the cuff.

2. Little Mix on BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge: yeah, I'm that person in the car this summer rocking out to Jason Derulo's "I Want You to Want Me". And don't get me started on the best Whitney Houston song of all time - it's untouchable. But there's something about Little Mix's cover of both that is just insane. As is insanely good. Its a little long, but so so good.

3. Toronto Life Best of the City: I just planned my annual trip to my home city and I can't wait to see how much the city has changed and to visit my old favorites. This issue of Toronto Life will help to guide my trip, including another visit to Bang Bang Ice Cream (SO good).

4. Gold Metal Cat Eye Sunnies: I could post my favorite Nordstrom Sale finds like every blogger that I read, but it was this pair of sunnies that weren't on sale that caught my eye during my Anniversary Sale trek. They're perfect to hide the sun's rays for these last few weeks of summer and so so fun in solid gold.

5. Baby Daddy: I like my summer tv frothy, funny, and most of all short. Baby Daddy on ABC Family fits all three. There's something endearing about three single guys - who couldn't be more different -  trying to raise a baby in New York, and the series is the perfect appetizer to my other favorite summer show, Suits.