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The A List: 5.13.16


Lifestyle | Sports | Community

The A List: 5.13.16

Alison Pegg

It’s been super dreary around here this week; with the constant rain we’ve been having. I’m not going to lie though, a mini-road trip and cooler temps has me looking forward to the weekend!

In the meantime, here’s a roundup of things I’ve been loving this week.


Richard Jefferson’s Snapchat

You’ve probably heard of the adventures of Little Kev by now, and “Rich” loves to document his whereabouts daily on his snapchat. But this week’s snaps have been better than most, thanks to a week of rest for the Cavs, and we’ve seen even more glimpses of basketball’s biggest stars behind-the-scenes. Think Starbucks runs, team dinners, and other random outings around town. Thanks Rich for pulling back the curtain on an NBA playoff run, you make the Cavs easy to cheer for (almost!) with the snapchat shenanigans. (Follow him at RJeff24)


So Delicious Coconut Milk Mint Chip Ice Cream

While I haven’t yet given up the traditional diary ice cream (#teamJenis), for a weeknight treat I’ve been looking for a great dairy-free option. What I’ve learned is good dairy-free ice cream is hard to come by – especially when your favorite is over 400 miles away (see you in July Bang Bang!). But So Delicious’ combo of coconut milk with mint chip hits the spot for a must see tv snack. I’m a self-professed lover of coconut and love what the flavor adds to the ice cream, but the coconut isn’t so strong that it overpowers the mint and chocolate. And since it’s dairy-free, it has to be guilt-free, right?


Giving Keys Raw Copper Collection

I don’t have enough hands to count how many times people have asked me if I’m wearing my house key around my neck when I wear my Giving Key necklace, but I absolutely adore the mission and message it sends. My word is CREATE, and it reminds me on a daily basis to keep up my creative spirit and share it with those around me. And now that the Giving Keys has launched their raw copper line, it might be time to add another inspiration to my collection.


R.M. Drake

Remember in Sex and the City when Carrie checks out the library book of love letters from great men? I kind of feel like RM Drake’s words are like that. Another poetic instagram find of mine, his daily words are inspiration, they’re poetic and most of all they’re beautiful. The wanderlust in me wishes to one day be on the receiving end of words like that, they’re straight out of a fairy tale.


Walking in the rain

Like I mentioned earlier, much of this week it has rained, dampening any real plans to do anything outdoors (I’ve got puns for days). But as long as I planned ahead for meetings, there’s a certain poetry in a spring rain. Walks in my neighborhood have been a chance to clear my head, and the sidewalks aren’t nearly as busy as they normally are. Plus the air always smells a bit cleaner after a fresh rain and ground has reaped its benefits in lush green. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows after all and as long as I have my umbrella, that’s okay. (Image via)