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Local Love: and Here We Are


Lifestyle | Sports | Community

Local Love: and Here We Are

Alison Pegg

One of the things I love most about Columbus is how the city supports its creative entrepreneurs. Every weekend there seems to be a new festival, craft fair, marketplace or market that is popping up and showcasing some of the best creatives this city has to offer.

The other great thing about all of these creatives – they’re all discoverable via instagram.  That’s where I found my latest local love: and Here We Are letterpress studio.

and Here We Are had me at the stroke of their pen. Seriously, I have such a huge crush on their handwriting, I want to emulate it and display it all at the same time. But even cooler than their pen is the Columbus story the two of them tell.

Founded in Brooklyn in 2012, Meghan and John Sokorai moved their stationary and print business to Columbus in 2015. Seriously, check out their about page and their video, it’s perfectly charming in that “I wish we could be brunch friends” kind of way.  

Their prints are simple, modern and bit cheeky (hello boobs!) and most are just a white piece of cardstock with their black stroke of the pen. I ordered this print for my office gallery wall, it’s a perfect addition to the local pieces I have hanging just beyond my workstation. The print’s arrival came with a small personal touch, a thank you from Meghan and John themselves. These little touches are what keep me coming back to shops like these, simple notes of gratitude that make me a customer for life.


Here’s a couple of my faves from this local shop – order them online or find them at an event around Columbus soon.