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Lifestyle | Sports | Community

Life Lately - 9.12.16

Alison Pegg

image via Danielle Moss

image via Danielle Moss


If there’s one word to describe how my day began today, cozy is the word I'd choose. One of the great luxuries of the fall season is open windows, the breeze and the air liven everything up and leave behind a freshness that scents can’t replicate. Left open overnight, the luxury of open windows increases, snuggling to keep warm under the covers while the cool surrounds you is  heaven. The tradeoff, of course, is a struggle to get out of bed, but it’s nothing that a warm cup of coffee can’t resolve. Plus knowing that cool night meant I could wear long sleeves outside without dying all day, it was plenty enough to pull me out of my cocoon.

It also helps that I had a seriously fabulous weekend. I crossed two items off of my fall bucket list (number 1 and 5), watched a soggy Ohio State game from the comfort of my home, cleaned out my closet to ready it for fall, got consumed by another tv series on Netflix, and explored my city on a gorgeous afternoon. (It was seriously gorgeous, check out my pics below).

And while I’m nervous that this five day week might drag on compared to the four days of last, I am excited to catch up with old co-workers one night this week and to plan some time just for me post-work another evening. This weekend promises to be another great one, with two of my favourties happening Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday, Independents Day returns to Franklinton celebrating the best that local Columbus has to offer. I picked up a good portion of my fall jewelry at ID Fest’s marketplace last year (thank you GeoSupplyCo!), but ID Fest is more than just local shopping. This year’s beer list looks seriously awesome along with their music line-up, but my favourite part of ID is the people. Check it out if you’re in the area.

My pictures from 2015's Independents Day

Sunday brings the start of awards season and my second favourite awards show, The Emmys! As a dedicated television watcher I’ve always loved the Emmys, tv is just so much more approachable than film nowadays (that doesn’t mean it’s less creative though). I’m looking forward the hashing and rehashing the awards show fashion and forthcoming trends, and laughing my ass off when the comedians hit the stage during the Variety Series segments (i’m looking at you Colbert and Oliver). The Emmy’s are appointment tv for me; you know where I’ll be this Sunday night.