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What I'm looking forward to this fall

Alison Pegg

If this list is everything new that I want to do this autumn, then consider this list my greatest hits of sorts. Besides the coziness of winter, there's no other season I enjoy more than the fall one. Here are the things I'm looking forward to in the next couple months.

Open Windows and Colour Changes

This summer's weather was nothing short of brutal with super hot temps mixed with suffocating humidity. But all of that is forgiven once the temps start to cool and the season and leaves start to change. I love nothing more in September and October than snuggling under a blanket or into a sweatshirt while the chill of the autumn air blows through the house. 


Fall Sports

You can debate this all you want, but there's no greater time in the sports world than the span between September and December. Here's to a deep playoff run for my beloved Blue Jays, a majestic campaign for my alma mater, Ohio State, a healthy receiver corps for the best QB in the pros, Aaron Rodgers, and a win the #WCH2016 for my homeland, Team Canada. My inner sports fan is FREAKING OUT at the plethora of options to come.


Oversize sweaters and Mini Skirts

When the air is brisk but not too cold, I know it's time for my uniform of fall, the sweater and mini. This time of year I can't wait to break out a new sweater or two and coupled with my warmer temp friendly minis, it's the perfect fall uniform. Throw in a cool pair of booties or a classic white sneaker and my look it set - a mix of summer and winter that's perfect for fall's temps. 


The smells of the season

From tobacco to firewood, cloves to cedar, I can't get enough of the smells of fall this time of year. And while some might call blasphemy over my dislike of pumpkin (and it's spice), it's the smells of campfires and leaves that really set the mood for fall to me. 


Oktoberfest Beer

This summer I said "yes way" to Rose frequently during the warmer months and now that the seasons are changing, this fall I'm ready to welcome craft beer back into my repertoire. It's a fact that there's no better beer season than Oktoberfest, the spicy ales with aromas of the season are killer, especially when the pumpkin is on the side. I've already picked up a 6-pack of this from Land-Grant with intentions to try many more of Columbus' seasonal brews. 


Dark Nail Polish

Burgundy. Navy. Oxblood. Black. These are the colours that get me excited for fall makeup. With red reserved for the holidays, these moody dark hues are perfect for nails come fall, a mixture of preppy and punk and perfect with any look. I'll be looking to sport all of these sometime during the next couple months.