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31 Shoes in 31 Days: Day 2

Alison Pegg


Shoes have always been a cornerstone of my wardrobe, they’re part of my signature style. As the world starts to open up and we venture out again, I’m sharing a sneak peek into some of my collection, and the story each pair has to tell.

I was reminded by Twitter that this week, The Devil Wears Prada turns 15. While I can quote more than half the movie, I’ll never forget the cerulean blue scene where Miranda Priestly schools an unsuspecting Annie about the trickle-down effect of designer fashion.

That is the story about today’s pair of shoes. When the designer sneaker trend blew up many years ago, I was obsessed with the Givenchy Urban Street slip-on sneaker. Super sleek, but still sporting an of-the-moment logo, they were the perfect non-athletic sneaker to wear with my everyday looks. Of course, they were completely out of my budget too.

When the main street brands started replicating the designer sneaker explosion, I lost interest pretty quickly in owning a pair. It wasn’t until a chance drive-by of our Saks Off 5th that I spotted these by Vince, and decided to pick them up.

In hindsight, I’m pretty happy that I ended up with the Vince version. The Givenchy version remains a classic to this day, and the Vince version has the same level of quality and style, but without the logo, which I now appreciate even more. These shoes are fabulous for flying; comfortable, stylish, and easy to slip on and off in the air and for TSA security checks. Even if all the traveling I’ve been doing lately is via my food through my semi-regular Blue Apron deliveries.

Vince Vista Sneakers | Givenchy Urban Street Slip-On Sneakers | Blue Apron