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Lifestyle | Sports | Community

31 Shoes in 31 Days: Day 3

Alison Pegg


Shoes have always been a cornerstone of my wardrobe, they’re part of my signature style. As the world starts to open up and we venture out again, I’m sharing a sneak peek into some of my collection, and the story each pair has to tell.

A few months pre-pandemic, I started dabbling in at-home workouts as a way of managing my stress. During the day, I was working on a campaign that teaches parents, friends, and families how to help kids manage their mental health, and figured I should probably put my money where my mouth is and start to manage my own.

These Nike sneakers are the best physical representation of my personal mental health journey. While still a work-in-progress, I find that thirty minutes, an online workout, and these shoes have become a lifeline for me, invigorating my brain, shedding my stress, and making me feel proud that I’m putting myself first. And the extra benefits, weight loss, better sleep, and an overall greater sense of strength, aren’t too bad either.

Nike Air Max Dia sneakers | Gaim Yoga Mat | Hand Weights