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31 Shoes in 31 Days: Day 4

Alison Pegg

Shoes have always been a cornerstone of my wardrobe, they’re part of my signature style. As the world starts to open up and we venture out again, I’m sharing a sneak peek into some of my collection, and the story each pair has to tell.

Year over year my style continues to grow more minimalist, with my shoe style has been following suit. Pointed-toe boots and heels, blocked heels replacing stilettos, and of course, neutrals, are taking over my shoe closet.

But there are still a few pairs of showstoppers that I can’t part with, shoes that you can see from a mile away. They add that extra “Katy Perry” to any outfit, they’re a personality all their own. These Rebecca Minkoff slides are a literal bow on my feet, with “look-at-me” gold metallic screaming from afar. I love pairing these with more masculine looks – a long white oxford with leggings, or cropped black trousers and a black blazer – the masculine counterbalances the gold and the bows. Oh, and don’t forget the cherry red toe polish.

Rebecca Minkoff Calista Gold Slide (old)