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Lifestyle | Sports | Community

31 Shoes in 31 Days: Day 5

Alison Pegg


Shoes have always been a cornerstone of my wardrobe, they’re part of my signature style. As the world starts to open up and we venture out again, I’m sharing a sneak peek into some of my collection, and the story each pair has to tell.

I know they say you’re not supposed to play favourites, but sometimes it's hard to NOT reach for a certain pair of shoes every, single time. This is that pair.

These sandals are an outfit maker, a confidence builder, and a compliment getter all in one. But even more importantly, they’re comfortable. I can run errands at lunch at the mall or walk city blocks between meetings and not once do my feet hurt or blister while sporting these.

What’s even better about these sandals is the cost per wear I’ve gotten out of them. I saw Aimee Song wearing these back in the OG blogging days, before Stories/Reels/Snapchat/TikTok were even a thing, and hunted them down online as fast as I could. #influenced. I’d even go as far as to say that these sandals started my love affair with Zara (long before Columbus had a store), which makes it even sadder that I’ve been taking an extended break from them. (Get it together Zara!)

Playing favourites. As long as the others don’t find out, it’s okay, right?

Zara sandals (old) | IKEA rug (similar)