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Things I loved on the internet this week: Vol. 2


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Things I loved on the internet this week: Vol. 2

Alison Pegg

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This has never been more true

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Oh January.

You start with the hope of a fresh start and some lofty New Year’s resolutions, and then the reality of the first week back at work hit, and well….yeah.

I saw the above post shared all over insta this week - doesn’t it just speak to us all?

In between surviving everything that came with week 1, here are some things I loved on the internet this week.

Starbucks has new drinks out for 2020 - and they’re not full of sugar. I might have to try an oat milk honey latte here pretty soon.

Speaking of plant-based milk, this story has me feeling pretty heartbroken over my almond milk chai tea lattes.

On a lighter note, Brad Pitt has been having a great week. My favourite part? When he told Leo he would have shared the raft.

The Golden Globes were kind of meh this year, and the fashion hits weren’t that great either. There were some pretty spectacular fashion misses though, expertly chronicled by my favorite fashion commentators, Tom & Lorenzo.

Speaking of movies, here are the most anticipated rom-coms of 2020. I already have Feb 12th pencilled in. #peterkavinsky

I love when old fogey institutions contribute to the cultural heritage, so this post by Merriam-Webster cracked me up. The power of the BTS Army is insane!

Wanderlust alert. The New York Times came out with their annual list of 52 Places to Go in 2020. So many dreamy destinations.

I’m not a big drinker to begin with, so I’m loving all of the Dry January recipes right now. This list of 7 non-alcoholic drinks to try looks delicious.

One of my favourite fashion retailers, who’s taste I adore, is out with Part 1 of their Spring Fashion Report. Count me as a fan of bored minimalism.

I loved when hockey stops taking itself so seriously, and this piece on the origins of BarDown is a great example of that.