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Things I read on the internet this week: Vol. 1


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Things I read on the internet this week: Vol. 1

Alison Pegg

Just like the randomness of my brain, the internet is filled with a never-ending amount of glorious random things.

Here are a few that caught my eye this week, that you might like.

Baby Yoda was impossible to miss during December, with everyone from NFL teams to stans using the lovable alien in just about everything. This tweet takes the cake for me - Spice Girls forever!

A new year brings new year-long horoscope predictions and this Gemini can’t get enough. I especially enjoyed this one from Wit & Delight, and this one from Mind Body Green (originally shared by Grace).

Loving this decade-end post from Sarah, one of my favourite bloggers/grammers.

As an adult addict of teen tv, I couldn’t help but identify with agree with this article on how adults are watching, sharing and respecting teen tv. Woo hoo!

Love seeing one of my favourite CBJ alumns, Wiz, coaching at my alma mater. Love even more that it’s for the women’s hockey team.

The Ringer’s cultural vertical has become a must-read for me, and this week I caught up on this piece, How Meghan Markle Woke Up the Royal Family.

I’ll always remember the screaming and jumping my sisters and I did when Sidney Crosby scored the golden goal in 2010. Of course, it tops this list of top hockey moments of the decade.

Speaking of Canada, following Justin Bieber’s crusade against Tim Horton’s lids was a hilarious highlight of my winter break. You really can’t take the Canada out of a Canadian….

From sweeping vistas to intimate moments, the power displayed in each of the AP’s Top 2019 photos is awe-inducing.

And finally, my favourite award show of the year is this Sunday, the Golden Globes. (I might have to bring back my mini-insta fashion reviews). Here’s a great preview of who will win, and who should win, in all the major categories.